Usually, when you are offered instant cash for your old, unwanted and dilapidated car, you may wonder what will happen to your car once it’s taken away. Car wreckers make money out of your old and unwanted car. Car Removal Companies like Cash Car Removal make this process quite simple. The tow truck will be used to take your old car to the wrecking yard. The most beneficial factor about selling your car to a car removal company is that they will offer you instant cash. Now, as they have just paid you cash, they want to make a profit as soon as possible. After taking it to the wrecking yard, the technicians evaluate and examine the parts of a car to determine what to do with different parts.

First Step: Prepare the Scrap Car in Sydney

All the chemicals are removed from the car, including oil, fuel and coolant. This is also one of the reasons why it is recommended to use up your gasoline before selling your car. This process of removal is done to ensure that there are no leaking fluids when the car is taken apart. It is also significantly vital to de-pressurise the air conditioning system and releases the refrigerant.

Second Step: Sort & Segregate

The usable parts of the car are removed. These might include doors, steering wheels, fuel tanks, gas caps, lights and fittings, bumpers, suspension parts, interior fittings, seats, wheels and radiators. They are then segregated for storing in a safe warehouse for further sale. Every part is then further recorded with information like location, make and model. This makes it easier when the parts are sold for use in other cars.

Third Step: Crush & Earn Money

When all the usable parts are removed and taken for storage, what’s left of the car is rendered useless and hence is crushed. This is done because this process can save space all the while storing scrap metals which can help earn top dollars. The scrap metals can be sold off to the scrap metal dealers. The usable parts of the car that were stored can be sold to the owners of comparably similar cars, especially the parts that are not easily found.

Cash Car Removal is a fully licensed auto wrecker and trader that offers up to $9,999 instant cash and our car removal services are completely free. Contact us to get a free quote at 0478 800 588.